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Indulging my interest in food and flavor, I love to write about cooking, gardening and life's bounty. My new book - "Discover Cooking with Lavender"- is now available

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

About Tisanes and Teas
How about a nice cup of tea or tisane? What is tisane? Simply another word for hebal tea. Calorie-free and caffeine-free, these drinks became popular before black tea became available as a luxury import.
To make a tisane, use the infusion method. I love lavender tisane. Easy to make, refreshing and relaxing, drinking lavender tisane brings me a taste of summer whenever and wherever I want it!
I go out to my garden and pick some fresh lavender. Clean it, wash it, chop it and place the mixture into my tea ball. I cover the tea ball with boiling water and wait for the water to become infused with the floral scent of lavender. Drink your lavender tisane with honey or with out, hot or cold.
When I don't want to make up my own tisane, two of my favorite beverages are: Sequim Farmers' Chamomile & Mint Tea with Lavender (available from www.bluemoonlavender.com) and Lavender Tea offered by Murchie's Tea and Coffee (note, this is a caffeinated tea using China's mild black teas laced with lavender.

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